This year I've joined the group over at Write 1 Sub 1. I'm doing the weekly challenge, writing and submitting a story each week (although not always the same story). "Challenge" is definitely the word for it! If you're looking for a boost to your motivation and productivity, I recommend hanging around with these folks. It's the perfect blend of scary, inspiring, and encouraging, and there are writers at many different levels of skill and experience among the regulars there.
I managed to keep up this month, with 5 stories written and 6 submitted for the first time. Breaking those down a little, I completed rough drafts of 3 flash pieces and 2 short stories, and submitted 4 flash pieces and 2 short stories.
The rejections keep rolling in, as ever, although they haven't been particularly heavy this month. I attribute this in part to the fact that I got back into serious submitting in December after a bit of a hiatus, and with some markets that means I can't expect to hear back just yet. I've also probably been noticing the rejections a lot less than I normally do, as I've had an unusual number of story acceptances--3 for the month, 2 flash and one a bit longer. I look forward to posting more about those stories as they come out.
Three actually doesn't sound like such an impressive number, now that I write it out. But for me it's huge, considering that I only had three stories published in 2012 and 2013 combined!
I also had a story published this month. Check out The Price of Awakening at Kazka Press!