My story "Three Nights" is live today at Kazka Press! This is my
third publication with them, and on each occasion both Michael Haynes,
the editor, and L. Lambert Lawson, the publisher, have been delightfully
easy to work with. They also put out, in my opinion, a consistently
good publication. I've just started reading this month's other stories, and am thoroughly enjoying them so far.
"Three Nights" was written in direct response to Kazka's theme for
February--Dreams. The monthly contest has a 1,000 word limit, and it was
quite a challenge to write a dream-centered story that worked (avoiding
the dreaded "it was all a dream" ending) while coming in under that
limit. I started as the narrator does, with the image of the house in
the woods. I hope you enjoy it.
12/6/14 Note: This website is no longer available; Kazka Press stopped publishing several months ago.
12/6/14 Note: This website is no longer available; Kazka Press stopped publishing several months ago.